The only problem of course, is that after surfing a few apps, I got easily carried away. Whether it be a new dress, shoes, or handbag, it wasn’t long before my virtual baskets would be full to the brim, and it would be already 3 a.m.!
It’s nighttime, the toddler is in bed, and I'm looking forward to a little stimulation between the sheets.
No, not that kind of stimulation.
It's not steamy bedroom action that's getting my all hyped up...it’s online shopping.
A UK survey discovered that online sales soar between 12 a.m. and 6 a.m., and Sunday evening is eBay's busiest time. That’s hardly surprising considering that most busy, working mothers like myself have literally no time to spend all day in a shopping mall. But when you have Wi-Fi, who needs to these days? Unlike traditional shopping, online apps have no closing hours, so you can conveniently browse at night in the comfort of your warm bed, and there’s nothing more satisfying than bagging an online bargain!
So why does online shopping seem more appealing after a long, tiresome day? Well, according to a consumer psychologist, just clicking on the ‘Buy Now’ or ‘Order’ button makes us feel more powerful, and it’s highly addictive. I’ll admit, there is something thrilling about purchasing something new, even if it was an item I wasn’t sure I needed. But the reduced price of £10 from £40 justified the spend!
The only problem of course, is that after surfing a few apps, I got easily carried away. Whether it be a new dress, shoes, or handbag, it wasn’t long before my virtual baskets would be full to the brim, and it would be already 3 a.m.! And while there’s nothing wrong with a little retail therapy, my self-restraint was almost non-existent. I felt like a kid in a candy store again, salivating at all the goodies on offer at an affordable price. In fact, the only time I realized I had a problem was when the credit card bill arrived!
I decided to curb my after-hours cash-trap by practicing the following things:
Turn off alerts/notifications at night. As an avid bargain hunter, I am on countless mailing lists. So I couldn’t help but to check my alerts or emails each time there was news of a grand sale or special offers. Who wouldn’t be tempted by those four letters: SALE or 50% off on your favorite brands? But a five-minute peek would easily turn into hours of browsing. Turn them all off at night, and you won’t be tempted to spend on things you had no intention of buying in the first place.
Keep credit cards out of reach. I kept an ‘emergency’ credit card in my bedside drawer with the sole purpose of only using when urgent. Unfortunately, my after-hours shopping sprees were deemed ‘urgent’, (at the time!), and it was far convenient to simply reach over to grab the card. Hide your cards or put them somewhere out of reach. The thought of getting out of my cozy bed to find them would be more hassle than it’s worth!
Move shopping apps off homescreen. Each time I’d switch on my tablet, the shopping apps would glare back at me on the screen. This makes the temptation all the more harder to resist, and before you know it, you’re tapping on that icon. How convenient! Remove them off your homescreen or desktop altogether to avoid a relapse.
Sleep on it. Items may look a lot more appealing at night, but don’t be tempted to buy it on impulse. Make a mental note, and wait until the morning before revisiting. You’ll get more clarity the second time you view it. Suddenly, all that glitters at night may not be so gold the next day!